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Great Affiloblueprint 3.0 Review Stories

27 May

At first people who are looking to make money on the internet by the maens of internet marketing can fall victim to something called the shiny object syndrome. This is basically where people find a forum like the Warrior Forum and keep on getting sucked in by all of the WSO’s (Warrior Special Offers) that claim the world but in reality they actually give you very little value and often just leave a dent in your bank account.

I don’t like to admit it but when I was first starting out I fell for these wild claims. All of the money making ways of 5 or 10 years ago work just as well today as they did then. Often you just need to tweak a method and make it your own to get the most out of it.

The method that I devoted all of my time to was SEO. Today I am a full time marketer living off my SEO profits but it has not been an easy journey but it is butally worth it. I do not sell my own money making products to people as I think it is wrong trying to make money from people trying to make money. I also don’t agree with all of the gurus that do this. This is what brought me to build the Straight Talking Northerner website.

On this site I review a lot of the next big thing IM products. The thing that sets me apart from the thousand other review site guys is I actually do some research into the products to give them the best chance of success on launch day. I cannot always be right so ocassionally on launchday the products are a big flop. When my BS radar starts flashing i jump all over it and tell you that it is not one to buy.

What’s next in the pipeline for the Straight Talking Northerner?

My next launch will be the Affilioblueprint 3.0. This is created by Mark Ling who owns the famous Affiliorama website which teaches people how to become successful affiliate marketers. The Affilioblueprint 3.0 Review will be live on the 28th of may a day before the official launch and you can be sure to get my no holds barred review over at my site.

affiloblueprint 3